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Fake Smile

kuar dgn scndel | pullman
Thursday, November 10, 2011 | 6:02 AM | 0 comments

hey this is me ! my scndel which is Nur Dania Batrisyia gmba dye tkde lah , dye tk masokkan pulak , takpe kejap lgy aku ksy gmba dye kayy ? okay gmba yg first tuh sgt suke , style kot . gmba yg kedua ney . gmba ney dekat pullman , ktorg kuar ramai-2 act , mmg gilee happening lah kan , yg laky g swim , yg pmpn g tngkp gmba :) aku paleng tk boley nmpk camera -,- jap tdy aku kate nk tnjok scndel tuh kan ? nahh amek !

okay so this is my scndel tuh :> not a lesbii actually , but i just love her :) she so pretty , but she already taken by her boyfriend lah :) haha and good to know yg dye dah nk kekal untill 1 year right ? hmm , me ? im back to my old life ! single life ! yeah i like it , i do really like it , tkde pasaan sedeh pon , kejam kan ?kayy diam i dont even care :P hehe peace kbye =)

#sorry engglish broken and tepok tgn utk aku sbb dah single :)

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